Roof Restoration is repair work of actual leaks and obvious deteriorated areas on an identified, localized basis. Good repair work generally requires highly skilled roofing experience in defect identification and proper repair procedures. Barrett materials are well suited for roof repair work utilizing traditional repair methods.
Roof Retrofit, or recover, is refitting the existing roof system with a new membrane cover and all related flashing, over the top of the existing roof membrane. New insulation is generally used to separate the new membrane from the existing membrane.
Roof Removal and Replacement is the installation of a new membrane system after the complete removal of all roof components above the structural deck. This is generally considered the safest and surest method to guarantee long-term performance.
As with the retrofit procedure, an engineering study should be conducted with consideration of component expansion/contraction cycles, roof drainage, vapor retarder requirements, temporary roofing requirements, roof projection flashings, perimeter flashing elevations, structural system loadings, asbestos audit, and energy conservation analysis.
A roof removal plan generally requires special provisions for keeping the building watertight during construction as well as for dealing with potential safety, odor, dust, noise pollution, and occupant considerations.
Many components of an existing built-up system can be recycled. If recycling is desired contact Recycle Inc.
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