When it comes to Roofscapes, Barrett is a name you can count on.
Combining our 90+ years of roofing & waterproofing expertise with retained horticultural technology, Barrett has partnered with the most prominent suppliers of pavers, vegetation, growing media, and more to offer building owners a top-to-bottom solution for their ideal green roof.
Proven Performance
Barrett Company works with our Approved Contractors to provide two time-proven waterproofing systems that form the basis for moisture protection in our Roofscapes assemblies, Ram Tough 250 and Black Pearl Waterproofing. Each system utilizes a reinforced fluid-applied rubberized asphalt membrane.
Custom Solutions
Because we are not tied to only one approach of vegetative system, building owners and specifiers can choose among the options that will best suit their individual needs and budget.
Single Source Warranties
We offer complete assemblies with up to a 25-year single source labor and materials warranty, covering waterproofing, thermal performance, overburden removal, concrete paver warranty and renewable vegetation warranties.

Barrett Roofscapes
Barrett Roofscapes turns unused roof space into a park-like garden setting with a keen sensitivity to environmental enhancement. They are designed around a system of interdependent components which function as a natural planting habitat, creating new types of public and private spaces.
Components of Roofscapes
8” to 24” + of Growing Medium
Larger plants, shrubs, small trees

Sedum Carpet Standard
Sedum Carpet Maroon
Sedum Carpet Sunray
Green Roof Tray
Roofscapes Edge
Roofscapes Edge+
Intensive MediaIntensive Media
Polyfelt Ex15Polyfelt Ex15
Rb 30RB-30
DuPontDuPont Roofmate (40PSI)
DuPont Plazamate (60 PSI
Less 6" of growing medium
Small, hardly plants (sedum)

Sedum Carpet Standard
Sedum Carpet Maroon
Sedum Carpet Sunray
Green Roof Tray
Roofscapes Edge
Roofscapes Edge+
Marker 3Extensive Media
Marker 4Polyfelt EX9
Marker 5DuPont Roofmate (40PSI)
DuPont Plazamate (60 PSI
Marker 7RND 1.0
RND 1.0 HS
Paver Assembly
Sturdy pavers support
Weather proof under extreme conditions

This is Tootlip
Marker 2LevelPro Pedestal
Marker 3DuPont Roofmate (40PSI)
DuPont Plazamate (60 PSI)
Featured Roofscapes System Products

Levelpro Pedestal Series 401-405
The Roofscapes-LevelPro series LP401-LP405 support has been designed for the installation of any type of tile floor on any surface, allowing the underlying inspection of various systems and potential waterproofing, with no need to carry out any demolition.

Levelpro Pedestal Series 406-414
The Roofscapes-LevelPro series LP406 - LP414 pedestal support has been designed for the installation of any type of tile floor on any surface, allowing the underlying inspection of the various systems and potential waterproofing, with no need to carry out any demolition.

Roofscapes Pre-Grown Trays
The Roofscapes Pre-Grown Tray System provides a turnkey solution that meets or exceeds all guidelines for Roofscapes.

PolyFelt EX9
PolyFelt EX9 is a 100% recycled 9 oz polypropylene polyester protective fleece designed specifically for use within Roofscapes extensive green roofing systems.

PolyFelt EX15
Our Semi-Intensive Protective Fleece is designed specifically for use within Semi-Intensive Roofscapes systems.

Rooflite Intensive
A planting medium for intensive vegetative Roofscapes systems with a separate drain layer, designed to retain storm-water and to promote long lasting vigorous plant growth.

Aluminum Inspection Chambers
Barrett Roofscapes Aluminum Inspection Chambers are used to keep loose ballast and green roof components away from the primary roof drains and to allow easy inspection of the drains during normal preventative maintenance.

Architectural Paving Stone
Nitterhouse’s high strength Architectural Pavers combine durability with the natural beauty of aggregates showing throughout the product and finish

Barrett Roofscapes RND MW
Needled mineral wool is comprised of fibers of spun rock, formed into pliable mats via a mechanical process known as “needling”. These light, water-retaining fibers are an excellent rooting medium for plants.

ABS Inspection Chamber
The Roofscapes ABS Inspection Chamber is designed forvegetative roofs requiring rapid water drainage.

ScrewJack Pedestal
Possibilities are endless when designing and building plaza decks using Westile® ScrewJack Pedestals.

Classic Plaza Slab
Classic Plaza Slabs are a high-density concrete suited for use as a plaza deck component providing a durable, yet elegant, roof surface.

Coco Erosion Control Blanket
Coco Erosion Control Blanket is an FHWA Type IID temporary
erosion control blanket that is used to control erosion of
Roofscapes media and plantings on both flat and
low-sloped installations.

Wood Plaza Pavers
Wood Plaza Pavers are an untreated, low maintenance, natural product made from either Cumaru or Ipe wood.

Roofscapes Seed Mixes
Our Roofscapes Seed Mixes provide a diverse & adaptive means for roof greening.

Extensive Media
A planting medium for extensive vegetative (green) roof systems with a separate drain layer, designed to retain storm-water.

Maroon Sedum-Mix Blanket
100% biodegradable vegetation blanket produced on a coir mat,the Standard Sedum-mix blanket is becoming increasingly popular.

Sunray Sedum-Mix Blanket
At the start of the production cycle, Sedum album, Sedum acre, Sedum hispanicum and Sedum sexangulare make up approximately 15% of the assortment used to produce a Yellow/Blue Roofscapes Sunray Sedum-Mix Blanket.

Flex Line Concrete Pavers
Roofscapes Flex Line Concrete Pavers are hydraulically pressed to superior European standards.

Roofscapes RND 1.0
Roofscapes RND 1.0 (Retention & Drainage) is designed for extensive vegetated roofs requiring moderate water storage.

Roofscapes RND 1.0 HS
Roofscapes RND 1.0 HS (Retention & Drainage) is designed for extensive vegetated roofs requiring moderate water storage.

Roofscapes RND 1.6
Roofscapes RND 1.6 (Retention & Drainage) is designed for semi-intensive vegetated roofs where water storage is required.

Roofscapes RND 2.4
Roofscapes RND 2.4 (Retention & Drainage) provides water storage for intensive roofs with large plant palettes.

Roofscapes Edge
Roofscapes Edge is designed as a definite boundary between gravel/paver and growth media that allows the flow of water but not of the substrate.

Roofscapes Gro LE
Our Roofscapes Gro LE (Lite Extensive) is our ultra-lightweight growing media blend for extensive vegetated roofs with drought tolerant plantings.

Roofscapes Liquid Erosion Control
Roofscapes Liquid Erosion Control is utilized for the stabilization of low slope Roofscapes, bioinfiltration swales and standard roadside embankments.

Roofscapes Edge+
Roofscape® Edge+ is designed as a definite boundary between gravel/paver and growth media that allows the flow of water but not of the substrate.

SpiralJack Adjustable Pedestals & Components
Vegetated roofs have different depths, necessitating a flexible pedestal system that can support differing heights.